🏒Building NFTs

The building is a newly added utility to the ecosystem. The building has level and grade, which can interact with land and users according to each option.

  1. A building owner can β€˜Locate(=Stake)’ a building to the land by contract with the landlord. By Locating, a building owner can produce Lay 007.

  2. The building’s tier is not decided with different possibilities in the reveal, so every building is revealed in common 1LV. Therefore, you need to raise the level or tier to produce more Lay 007, thereby creating a burning system.

  3. Building system has a concept of Construction(= a kind of breeding), and it works as a supplier of building needs. It takes one LV1 building to upgrade the building’s grade. By demand (Evolving=Tier up) and supply(Construction), the number of the building will try to be stable, and token burning will occur persistently.

  4. We adopted the β€˜Time Factor’ to the building system to support those basic concepts. We can maintain the balance between supply & demand for a while, but in the end, it will break down. Therefore, the Construction period is adjusted by the dynamic time change. As the building number exceeds the reference point, the Construction period will be longer. If the number goes down, then the Construction period gets shorter.

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