🦺Content Safety

OrbCity isn’t a place for antagonistic, explicit, false or misleading, harmful, hateful, or violent content or behavior. We may remove, limit, or block the distribution of such content that create or spread it based on how much harm it poses.

Adult content

OrbCity isn’t a place for pornography. We limit the distribution of or remove mature and explicit content, including:

  • Fetish imagery

  • Vivid sexual descriptions

  • Graphic depictions of sexual activity

  • Images of nudity where the poses, camera angles, or props suggest pornographic intent


OrbCity isn’t a place for exploitation of people or animals. We’ll remove or limit the distribution of content and accounts involved in practices that risk harm to people or animals, including sexual, physical, or financial exploitation. That includes:

  • Sexualization or sexual exploitation of minors, like grooming, sexual remarks or inappropriate imagery. If we find it, we’ll report it to relevant authorities such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

  • Non-consensual images, meaning images of a private or sexual nature obtained or published without consent. This includes revenge porn and up-skirt images.

  • Adult sexual services that may involve sexual or physical exploitation or trafficking, like sex cams and escort services.

  • Human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labor.

  • Other illegal commercial exploitation, like trading in organs or products made from human remains or body parts.

  • The sale of wild animals or protected and endangered wildlife. For a full list of prohibited wildlife products, please visit our partner, the World Wildlife Fund.

  • Corpses, animal parts or products derived from cat or dog parts, or protected and endangered wildlife, including ivory.

  • Irresponsible and harmful animal tourism or otherwise exploitative practices like organized animal fighting.

Hateful activities

OrbCity isn’t a place for hateful content or the people and groups that promote hateful activities. We limit the distribution of or remove such content and accounts, including:

  • Slurs or negative stereotypes, caricatures and generalizations

  • Support for hate groups and people promoting hateful activities, prejudice and conspiracy theories

  • Condoning or trivializing violence because of a victim’s membership in a vulnerable or protected group

  • Support for white supremacy, limiting women’s rights and other discriminatory ideas

  • Hate-based conspiracy theories and misinformation, like Holocaust denial

  • Denial of an individual’s gender identity or sexual orientation, and support for conversion therapy and related programs

  • Attacks on individuals including public figures based on their membership in a vulnerable or protected group

  • Mocking or attacking the beliefs, sacred symbols, movements, or institutions of the protected or vulnerable groups identified below

Protected and vulnerable groups include: People grouped together based on their actual or perceived race, color, caste, ethnicity, immigration status, national origin, religion or faith, sex or gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition. It also includes people who are grouped together based on lower socio-economic status, age, weight or size, pregnancy or veteran status.

Harassment and criticism

OrbCity isn’t a place to insult, hurt or antagonize individuals or groups of people. There are good reasons to express criticism, but we may limit the distribution of or remove insulting content to keep OrbCity a positive, inspiring place; this includes:

  • Manipulated images intended to degrade or shame

  • Shaming people for their bodies or assumed sexual or romantic history

  • Sexual remarks about people’s bodies and solicitations or offers of sexual acts

  • Criticisms involving name-calling, profanity and other insulting language or imagery

  • Mocking someone for experiencing sadness, grief, loss or outrage

Private information

We don’t allow content that reveals personal or sensitive information. We remove:

  • Personal ID and passport information

  • Private contact information and addresses

  • Online login information (usernames and passwords)

  • Photos of private people that they don’t want posted online

  • Personal financial or medical history

Self-injury and harmful behavior

OrbCity isn’t a place for content that displays, rationalizes or encourages suicide, self-injury, eating disorders or substance abuse. We’ll limit the distribution of or remove such content, including:

  • Self-harm instructions

  • Suicidal thinking and quotes

  • Graphic or otherwise triggering imagery or descriptions of self-harm

  • Promotion of self-harm

  • Mocking of people who self-harm or who have attempted or died by suicide

  • Images of accessories used to self-harm

  • Negative self-talk and insensitive humor about self-harming behavior

  • Suicide pacts, challenges and hoaxes

Graphic Violence and Threats

OrbCity isn’t a place for graphic violence or threatening language. We limit the distribution of or remove such content, including:

  • Content that shows the use of violence

  • Disturbing scenes from before or after violent events

  • Threats or language that glorifies violence

Violent actors

OrbCity isn’t a place for violent content, groups or individuals. We limit the distribution of or remove content and accounts that encourage, praise, promote, or provide aid to dangerous actors or groups and their activities. This includes:

  • Extremists

  • Terrorist organizations

  • Gangs and other criminal organizations

Dangerous goods and activities

OrbCity isn’t a place for trading or selling of certain regulated goods β€” products or substances that can cause harm when used, altered or manufactured irresponsibly β€” or for the display or encouragement of dangerous activities. We limit the distribution of or remove such content and accounts, including:

  • Individuals and unlicensed retailers offering to sell, purchase or trade alcohol, tobacco, drugs and weapons, including firearms and accessories, firearm parts or attachments, or ammunition

  • Content from or about unverified, unapproved or rogue online pharmacies

  • Offers, attempts, or instructions to bypass purchasing laws and regulation

  • Instructions for creating lethal or toxic substances

  • Instructions for creating lethal weapons, like bombs or grenades, including 3d printed weapons

  • Commercial sales of marijuana, marijuana products and paraphernalia

  • Commercial sales of certain weapons and attachments

  • Harmful pranks or challenges that risk imminent physical harm or extreme emotional distress, especially if showing or encouraging the participation of minors

Intellectual property and other rights

To respect the rights of people on and off OrbCity, please:

  • Don’t infringe anyone’s intellectual property, privacy or other rights.

  • Don’t do anything or post any content that violates laws or regulations.

  • Don’t use other’s name, logo or trademark in a way that confuses people.

Last updated