$LAY 007 Daily Production
Last updated
Last updated
Users will be able to click "Get Lay" if 2 hours have passed.
The above image refers to [2hrs $LAY x 12times] in order for users to more easily calculate their earnings.
If less than 2 hours have passed, users will see a timer showing how much time they have to wait until they can get lay.
Users can withdraw their Land NFT at anytime, but if they unstake before the 2 hour timer, they will reset the timer.
The 2 hour timer is based off the last claim, so users must claim in order to restart the 2 hour counter.
Note: In order to earn $LAY tokens users will be required to stake their Land NFT. Every 2 hours staked, users will be able to click “Get LAY".
Note: All Landlords will be asked to pay 20% of all $LAY earned to the Governance Treasury, regardless of the country they own. But if the Lay-Bour clicks Get Lay on behalf of the landlords, there is a 20% chance that they get a 5% tax break.
Note: Please note that all figures are subject to change by governance.