Buildings are a new utility to the ecosystem. Buildings have levels and tiers and can interact with the districts and users based on different activities.
A building owner can contract with a landlord to locate(=stake) a building on a piece of district. By locating, the building owner can produce $Lay 007.
Since buildings are not tiered by chance when they reveal, all buildings reveal to a common 1 LV. Therefore, in order to produce more $Lay 007, you must level up or tier up your building which results in a token burning.
The building system has the concept of Construction, which serves to supply the demand for buildings. To upgrade the tier of a building, you need LV1 buildings of the same tier. Demand (Evolving=Tier up) and supply (construction) will try to keep the number of buildings stable, and tokens will be burned continuously.
To complement the above basic concepts, we introduce the element of time into the building system. The supply and demand of buildings can be balanced for a certain period of time by the logic of the market, but in a continuous aspect, the balance will be broken. To compensate for this, the duration of the construction period is adjusted by the change in dynamic time, i.e., as the number of buildings increases from the baseline, the duration of the construction period increases, and as the number of buildings decreases, the duration of the construction period decreases.
We introduce 'Time Value' through the element of time in the building. Time is required not only for construction, but also for level up and tier up. In the current ecosystem, there is no element to measure 'temporal value', and as a result, the value of NFT Value tends to be measured by the simple mining price. Therefore, the NFT Value of a building will also include 'Time Value', and this value will be formed by the logic of the market.
Time Coupons not only complement the value of a building's Time Value, but also activate participation in the ecosystem. Time coupons can only be obtained through the activities of the ecosystem, and time coupons can be used to reduce the time required for building systems. The value of time coupons will be shaped by the market, including those who participate in the ecosystem and are willing to supply time coupons, and those who do not participate in the ecosystem but need time coupons.